STA303/1002 Winter 22 Final Project

Instructions for the STA303/1002 final project (and information to help prospective employers/clients, interested 2nd cousins and whoever else better understand student achievements and skills).

Your final project for STA303/1002 is a consulting project for MINGAR. You will be analyzing data about their customers and creating a report appropriate for the Board of Directors.

Note: MINGAR isn’t a real company, it would be massively reckless to provide 600 people with customer data with this level of detail. It would be very easy to identify individuals from data like this. That said, this dataset is based on real research and trends, and my own experiences running a small consulting company.

Submission information

In formation Note
Name Final project
Type (Main, Mini or Basket) Main
Value 45%
Due Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 3:03 p.m. ET for 2% pt bonus. Submissions accepted until Monday, April 11, 2022 at 3:03 p.m.
Submission instruction Submission: Via Markus
Accommodations and extension policy There are no routine extensions granted for the final project. In exceptional circumstances, you can work with your College Registrar and me on this.

What’s the deliverable?

Your final submission will be a report that includes: 

You will need to further develop and answer the research questions relevant to the client, communicate in ways appropriate to the audience  for each section of the report, choose appropriate methods and create professional visualizations and tables  to explain your results.

Your report must be written in a reproducible  Rmd, that Knits to PDF, and you will submit the PDF, Rmd and any images/extra data to MarkUs for the reproducibility component of your mark.

I will be providing a template for you to use.


All times are 3:03 p.m. ET.

Penalties to AVOID


Step 1: Read the first client email and decide if you’re working as a group or individual

Step 2: Create a consulting company

Step 3: Sign your NDAs

Download PDF version

Download DOCX version

Step 4: Submit your NDAs (and through this, register as group or individual)

Step 5: Work on your project

Suggested task list as posted Mar 25

Edited lightly, see the original here.

(If you’re not quite on this schedule is all lost? No way! This list was in response to student questions at the time about how I might suggest they plan their work.)

Step 6: Submit

Notes about bonus and submission dropboxes

Due to the two deadlines, there will be two dropboxes on MarkUs for this assessment. To avoid confusion, the dropbox for the 2% bonus early submission will be open until the deadline on April 7. After that, the dropbox for the normal submission will be open from April 7 to 11 only for groups that did not submit in the early round.

Warning about the early dropbox

Only submit your FINISHED project to the early dropbbox. If you’re not sure if you’ll get it done by the deadline for the bonus, this is the one time I’ll tell you NOT to do a safety submit. To ensure clarity for the grading team, anything submitted to the early dropbox WILL be considered your final submission.

Not sure about what this means? PLEASE ASK.


Thank you to Sonia Markes for contributing to the background research and planning for this project.